I know it's been a long time since I wrote the last post, and also make some housekeeping on the site. But the last quarter was as always very busy with different topics. I have now four pilot projects with SAP Datasphere, which I have to manage and develop the cool stuff. 😉 For example, how to use the command line interface (CLI) for SAP Datasphere to create views or tables based on a remote table. I had a really cool meeting with Ronald & Tim about this topic - Thank you guys for the input, now I have more ideas and less time.
I also developed some cool quarter slices in my projects to fulfil the customer needs. But besides the Datasphere projects I had this year, I also did a lot of other stuff. Let's start in March with the DSAG Technologie Tage in Mannheim. It was quite fun. You find all slides and posts on LinkedIn.
Since April, I now officially promoted to the Solution Expert Enterprise Data Warehouse - so now I don't work full time on projects I now work on different areas like presentations, presales, and also some Proof of Concepts.
I was on stage on the BI Vision in May (see the video here in German). Then I was on parental leave for two months which was really cool, and we had a great time. I also spoke at the BI Fokustage in Hamburg, Neu-Ulm and also at the online Fokustag. In October, I also spoke at the HANA Technight in Mannheim, organized by Jörg. You can download the slides of HANA Technight here.
At the end of the year we have now different PoC of SAP Datasphere with various customers. There are some fascinating use cases like time dependency on dimensions which give you only the current value out of the system. We also had some performance issues which we had to solve. There is an interesting note 2567999 which shows you an example on how to push down filters on ABAP connections.
To make a review of a year complete, I also want to throw some data like everyone else on LinkedIn into the world. I think this is the perfect answer to the question Jonas asked each time in his podcast.
In 2023, I read 13 books, listened to 36030 minutes podcasts. These are over 25 days in 45 different podcasts. My most played podcasts are Bits und so, Apfelfunk, WRINT, Wertgeschätzt and My Data is better than yours A detailed monthly analysis can be found in the following pictures.
But besides the books and podcasts, I also measured some data with my Apple Watch. I walk around 4.2 million steps over the year, with the most steps in August. On average, I have 11500 steps per day. Which I think for a pure office worker is an excellent number.
I also run some kilometers. In 2023, it was only 520 km, nothing comparing to 2021 but still some workouts over the year.

For me, it is clear, I have to write more about my current projects and also about some issues I have with SAP Datasphere. Therefore, I planned my 12-Week Year with different topics. Some are private goals and some are business related goals. I also plan to do more exercises this year (who doesn't have this thought in January?) - So we will see at the end of the year what I archived.

I am Tobias, I write this blog since 2014, you can find me on twitter, facebook and youtube. I work as a Senior Business Warehouse Consultant. In 2016, I wrote the first edition of Analysis Office - The Comprehensive Guide. If you want, you can leave me a paypal coffee donation. You can also contact me directly if you want.
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Then you have to take a look into Analysis Office - The Comprehensive Guide. Either as a video course or as an e-book.
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