April 2015.

How to convert a text field into a date field with VBA

When you get a date from BEx Analyzer or Analysis Office the Excel internal format is Text and not Date. This means that the sorting doesn't work correctly. Use the following VBA source code to convert easily text to date.


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Analysis for Office Increase data cells

A limiting factor in SAP BusinessObjects Analysis for Office is the restriction to 500,000 cells per DataSource. The limitation is calculated from rows * columns. This limitation can be increased by the following parameter value in the registry:


HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\SAP\AdvancedAnalysis\Settings\DataSource\ResultSetSizeLimit = -1


The Value “0” means that the default value is defined by 500,000 cells. Values greater than zero will return the entered value as number of cells. If you want to use the Business Warehouse settings you have to set the Value “-1”.

The corresponding parameter value for this can be found in the Business Warehouse table RSADMIN. The Object is “BICS_DA_RESULT_SET_LIMIT_MAXHKEY”.

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