Unfortunately, I didn't make it to publish the post in the last month. There were several reasons that I didn't make it, like the internal BI days or to prepare the next deep dive for Data Warehouse Cloud. But back to topic. SAP published Analysis for Office 2.8 SP14. Maybe there is something with the SP14 because Analysis Office 1.4 had also a SP14 before Analysis office 2.0 was released. So perhaps we see some new feature in the future?
But back to Analysis for Office 2.8 SP14. Now you are able to connect to Data warehouse Cloud and consume the analytical data sets directly in Excel. This is the biggest update with for a long time with features. The last updates were mostly bug fixing and some technical setting parameter, but nothing what is fascinating.
Besides the function in Analysis Office 2.8 SP12 repeat titles of a crosstab. The latest version also offers a new API method called SaveBwComments and some new technical settings like
But for me the best part is now the Data Warehouse Cloud connection. For this, you have to create a connection in the Insert Data Source dialog.