
Dynamic filter push down in SAP Datasphere

Dynamic source filtering is a big issue in SAP Datasphere. There are several approaches that may work for one, but not for another. 


The discussion started again on LinkedIn after I read a post about dynamic filtering that was set with a fixed filter. Wanda then showed us a solution he uses to filter data. But Christopher pointed out that the filter is not pushed down to the source when you use a DP agent, e.g., the ABAP connection.


I had in mind that there was a blog post about how to push a filter down, even on an ABAP connection. So I tried Wanda's idea and combined it with the other knowledge. This blog post will show you how it works.


If you already know s-note 2567999, you know that you can filter data with a stored procedure. And as of June, you can run stored procedures directly in task chains. This is a really nice feature. But back to the other solution.


First, we need a local table to store the load parameter for this approach. The loading table is just to set the parameter easily and not always in the coding.


It is quite simple. 3 columns, one for the application, one for the parameter and one for the value. It may be different on your approach, but keep in mind to adjust the coding as well.

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SAP Datasphere: Dynamic previous year in an Analytic Model

It's just before the summer break, and I want to share an idea on how to get a dynamic prior year in an analytical model.


There are several questions in the SAP community how to get such a result as it was used in SAP BW. Like this one


In this post, I want to share an idea on how to get such an offset in SAP Datasphere. Let's go to our fact view and add some logic that we will use later in our analytic model.


First we will add an input parameter to the bicycle data model, later I will describe another way if you don't want to use an input parameter. 


The input parameter in this case is called IP_YEAR, has no input help, and has a string data type with a length of 4.

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Review 2023 and outlook

I know it's been a long time since I wrote the last post, and also make some housekeeping on the site. But the last quarter was as always very busy with different topics. I have now four pilot projects with SAP Datasphere, which I have to manage and develop the cool stuff.  😉 For example, how to use the command line interface (CLI) for SAP Datasphere to create views or tables based on a remote table. I had a really cool meeting with Ronald & Tim about this topic - Thank you guys for the input, now I have more ideas and less time.

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Consume hierachies with nodes in SAP Datasphere

It was quite a bit silent here. That's a fact. I had a lot on my plate since I have a new job and also before the promotion. But now I have a super cool topic on my mind I want to share with you.


Hierarchies are a common topic in companies. They offer the business users' flexibility to navigate in the frontend reports. In this example, I flatten the hierarchy structure to consume a hierarchy with text nodes and infoobjects. The Product Group hierarchy looks like the following screenshot. 

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Data Warehouse Cloud Analytic Model is released

The Data Warehouse Cloud Analytic Model is now on all tenants available. With this wave, you have now the possibility to use instead of an Analytical Dataset (ADS) the new Analytic Model. The Analytic Model is a kind of cube which allows you to slice and dice your data model. I wrote about the preview access on December, and now I want to show you some details.

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Data Warehouse Cloud Analytic Model

Wow! It's now a long time since I wrote the last blog post. I think many of my posts starts with this now. But anyway, let's get back to the subject. I have the opportunity to have a look at the new Data Warehouse Cloud (DWC) Analytic Model. It was presented in the keynote of Hagen Jander and Eric Schemer on the DSAG Jahreskongress.

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Custom Slide Shows in Microsoft PowerPoint

It has been a while since I wrote the last blog post. But there happened a lot in the last two months. We had our Deep Dives about Self Service with SAP Data Analytics Cloud Architecture and I had also some weeks of vacation. Now I am back from my vacation, and now I want to share some ideas I had in the last months.


This post is about Microsoft PowerPoint and how I use it to create a master PowerPoint file for different purposes. The idea was to have one place for all my SAP Data Warehouse Cloud slides and use them in different customer scenarios.


Therefore, I search a little what I can do. If you have Microsoft Office 365, PowerPoint has the option of Custom Slide Shows under the tab Slide Show.

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Analysis for Office 2.8 SP14 is available

Unfortunately, I didn't make it to publish the post in the last month. There were several reasons that I didn't make it, like the internal BI days or to prepare the next deep dive for Data Warehouse Cloud. But back to topic. SAP published Analysis for Office 2.8 SP14. Maybe there is something with the SP14 because Analysis Office 1.4 had also a SP14 before Analysis office 2.0 was released. So perhaps we see some new feature in the future?


But back to Analysis for Office 2.8 SP14. Now you are able to connect to Data warehouse Cloud and consume the analytical data sets directly in Excel. This is the biggest update with for a long time with features. The last updates were mostly bug fixing and some technical setting parameter, but nothing what is fascinating.


Besides the function in Analysis Office 2.8 SP12 repeat titles of a crosstab. The latest version also offers a new API method called SaveBwComments and some new technical settings like

  • AllowFlatPresentationForHierarchyNodeVariables
  • SapGetDataClientSideValidationOnly
  • UseServerTypeParamForOlapConnections

But for me the best part is now the Data Warehouse Cloud connection. For this, you have to create a connection in the Insert Data Source dialog.

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Using SAP Data Warehouse Cloud bridge to convert SAP BW 7.4 objects

In this blog post, I want to share my experience with the Data Warehouse Cloud Bridge. There are several blogs out there that describe how to set up eclipse ( and So I won't consider this, because there are other sources for this. I will focus on problems I had during the conversion from an SAP Business Warehouse 7.4 on any DB into Data Warehouse Cloud.

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Create a parent-child hierarchy in SAP Data Warehouse Cloud

There are different ways to create hierarchies in Data Warehouse Cloud. One way is to use a CSV file and upload it into DWC. Another way is to use the existing hierarchies of your SAP BW system. In this post, I want to show how to use a hierarchy from BW and transform it into a parent-child hierarchy in Data Warehouse Cloud. After the transformation, we use the hierarchy in a view. 


First, we need a hierarchy on one InfoObject in SAP BW. 

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Another MTD/WTD/QTD/YTD calculation in SAP Data Warehouse Cloud

There are different ideas and logics to determine year-to-date. Besides my post, which is also available on there is another post to determine a week-to-date (WTD) and year-to-date (YTD). I think that idea is also a good starting point, and I looked into it.

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MTD/QTD/YTD Calculation in SAP Data Warehouse Cloud

In this blog post, I want to share an idea of how you can generate month-to-date (MTD), quarter-to-date (QTD), and year-to-date (YTD) values in SAP Data Warehouse Cloud (DWC). This is only one way, I think there are several other ways how you can solve this issue. I am happy to discuss your ideas in the comment section. In my old post, I describe the same logic for SAP HANA Calculation Views.

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Analyze Apple Health data with Python

It is a while since I published my last post here. There are several reasons that I don't write anything, for example, SAP does not publish new features for Analysis for Office or my current project has no special cool new things I can talk about because it is mostly just maintenance and nothing hip. So it was very quiet here, and this is what I want to change. If you follow me on Twitter, you could have seen this post.

So I will write some posts about Python, Data Warehouse Cloud, and some ABAP topics in the near future. This post starts with Python and how to analyze the Apple Health data.


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Comparing of data flows through SAP landscape

It is quite a while since I published my last post. A lot happened since then. Analysis for Office 2.8 SP10 is now available, the summer and the vacation  are over. But in the meantime I developed some new ABAP tools, had quite some interesting exchange and took the SQL Script course by Jörg Brandeis. But in this blog post I want to share with you the latest tool I developed which compare transformations in SAP Business Warehouse systems through the landscape.


Here is a short overview:

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Analysis for Office 2.8 SP8 is available

Since last week Analysis for Office 2.8 SP8 is available, and you can download it with your S-User. I just got a question if I could write about it, so here are the notes which fixes some bugs:


  • AO 2.x: Template for patch for AO and AO_SAC (s-note 3035301)
  • AO: SAC Live Data Connections - Input Readiness of BW planning queries can't get restored when opening a saved workbook (s-note 3038493)
  • Array formula cannot be updated via VBA (s-note 3017643)
  • BW OLAP Connection in Analysis Office Workbook Targets a Wrong System after Promotion (s-note 2972912)
  • Date format in AfO Schedule different than normal run (s-note 3001137)
  • New Lines - Value Help exception while opening if search is disabled [f197-731f-8e] (s-note 3019161)
  • SAPSetData: Introduced Option \"InitValue\" (s-note 3028120)


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Data Warehouse Cloud: Restrict Data Access in Hierarchies

In the last post I wrote about authorizations in SAP Data Warehouse Cloud and I had an open topic about authorization on hierarchy nodes in SAP DWC. So I looked into and here is one example of how it could work at the moment. I don't know if SAP changes something in future releases.


So let us started with a CSV file to create our authorization we can use in the SAP Data Warehouse Cloud. I would now authorize my user to a Product Category because my hierarchy looks like this:

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Authorizations with Data Access Control in SAP Data Warehouse Cloud

In this blog post I want to show you how you can use data authorizations in SAP Data Warehouse Cloud. First, we have to log on to our SAP DWC and select the space we want to use for this.


After we have selected our space, we open the Data Builder of SAP Data Warehouse Cloud. Here we have to import a new table with our authorizations. In my case we want to filter the Product ID, so the table looks like this:

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Create a time hierarchy in SAP Data Warehouse Cloud

Someone ask me how you could create a time hierarchy in SAP Data Warehouse Cloud (DWC) to use it in SAP Analytics Cloud (SAC). Because out of the box by just create the time dimension it isn't working right now. So here are the steps you have to make.

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BW/4HANA Query Link Components

In BW/4HANA SAP offers you the possibility to link restricted or calculated key figures across different Composite Providers. The advantage of the link components concept is that they can automatically synchronize whenever you make changes in the source or master component. If you are not familiar with this concept.


SAP Help:

"A linked component can be automatically synchronized whenever changes are made to the corresponding source component.

Example scenario: You have two highly similar InfoProviders, IP_A and IP_B. You have created the query Q_A for IP_A. You now want to create the query Q_B for InfoProvider IP_B. You want this query to be very similar to query Q_A and to be automatically adjusted whenever changes are made to query Q_A.

To do this, you use the link component concept: You create the linked target query Q_B for source query Q_A. This is more than just a copy, as the system also retains the mapping information. This mapping information makes it possible to synchronize the queries."

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BW/4HANA XXL InfoObjects

Last week a colleague and I look into the XXL InfoObjects in SAP BW/4HANA. We searched the online help and there is a short video about the topic. But after that we had no clue how we can use it. Can we use it in Analysis for Office? Or just in the query or Composite Provider? What is the purpose of these InfoObjects? Can we store a documentation and open it directly from the query?

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SAP Analysis for Office 2.8 SP6 is available

Since last Friday the latest version of SAP Analysis for Office is now available. You can download it in the SAP Launchpad. As the last version we have some bugs which are now hopefully fixed:


  • All crosstabs are removed from workbook (s-note 2990456)
  • Date picker control using wrong calendar or chosen date is incorrect (s-note 2981896)
  • Exception when saving a workbook with a chart sheet (s-note 2981234)
  • Search result does not show translated texts (s-note 2977530)
  • Planning sequence execution uses wrong variable values (s-note 2975399)
  • Excel hangs after copy and paste as Worksheet object (s-note 2974961)
  • Non-SAP worksheet cell referencing SAP Crosstab cell changes its number format (s-note 2974435)
  • AO: SAC - Unsupported S/4HANA Cloud connections are listed in Live Data Connections overview (s-note 2973887)
  • [a42d-4b73-7e] ServerGroup and SNC Information are Missing When Used Analysis Office Recent List (s-note 2972745)
  • Input has invalid format error when using exponential / scientific notation in new lines (s-note 2971200)
  • The Chart has empty data series or categories after swap crosstab axes or data refresh (s-note 2970169)
  • Suppressing all messages (s-note 2970000)
  • Refresh All button is disabled for AO workbook (s-note 2969805)
  • Incorrect sort order of BW systems in Replace System dialog (s-note 2968291)
  • Error [3291-74de-1b] when using Excel with Traditional Chinese or ClientLanguage is set to "ZF" (s-note 2967800)
  • Opening a workbook from BIP results in a nested exception [1b72-be52-de] (s-note 2967546)
  • Exception when using an embedded sheet in Word (s-note 2966861)
  • Saving a workbook results in a nested exception [e525-fb53-d4] (s-note 2966368)
  • Symbols of the Conditional Formatting are not removed (s-note 2966312)
  • SAC Logon Error in Analysis Office - No connection to system INA_SAC (s-note 2964461)
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BW/4HANA 2.0 Composite Provider with InfoObject Join

At the end of last month I ask on Twitter why I should create a join between an Advanced DataStoreObject and an InfoObject to read the attributes from this InfoObject when I even can activate the attributes on the output tab of the Composite Provider in SAP BW/4HANA. The answers on Twitter was not satisfactory, and I ask a colleague if he knew a reason. So I build a Composite Provider with a join between an InfoObject and an ADSO in our BW/4HANA system.

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Analysis Office 2.8 SP5 is available

Since a couple of days the latest version of Analysis for Office 2.8 is available. Michael was a little faster and notice it on Twitter before me. So let's look into it. SAP fixes a bunch of bugs with this service pack. Here is an overview:


  • AO 4 SAC: \"Group Members\" functionality not available when using BW Live Data Connections (s-note 2962476)
  • AO: BEx Workbook Conversion - An exception occurs when trying to save a converted BEx workbook which contains formulas (s-note 2965890)
  • Action has been cancelled due to invalid input values (s-note 2958731)
  • Analysis for office responds slow in AO 2.8 (s-note 2966651)
  • BIP Logon Issues (s-note 2976169)
  • BIP OLAP Connection targeting another system (s-note 2972912)
  • BIP Workbook fails to save back to the platform (s-note 2963966)
  • Error [3291-74de-1b] when using Excel with Traditional Chinese or ClientLanguage is set to \"ZF\" (s-note 2967800)
  • Exception when the Number of NewLines is set to 0 (s-note 2961082)
  • Exception when using an embedded sheet in Word (s-note 2966861)
  • Filter Dialog - Change state of Tree Node if its text was clicked (s-note 2938903)
  • Input has invalid format error when using exponential / scientific notation in new lines (s-note 2971200)
  • Insecure Connection Message with BIP OLAP (s-note 2967910)
  • New Lines - F4 help does not display member of respective cell (s-note 2963872)
  • Refresh All button is disabled for AO workbook (s-note 2969805)
  • Refresh Workbook with BIP OLAP SSO Connection Fails in Analysis Office (s-note 2957833)
  • SAC Logon Error in Analysis Office - No connection to system INA_SAC (s-note 2964461)
  • SAP Formulas in Scheduled Workbooks are Displayed as #NAME? in Excel (s-note 2765716)
  • Saving a workbook results in a nested exception [e525-fb53-d4] (s-note 2966368)
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BW/4HANA 2.0 Agile Open ODS View Modeling

Open ODS are a long time available in SAP NetWeaver BW. You can access directly database tables, database views or BW/4HANA DataSources (for direct access). In this blog post I want to look into the fast and agile modeling with Open ODS Views. So we start with a flat file we for example received from our customer to build a new data flow for reporting. The file has the following structure:

  • Country
  • Product
  • Business Category
  • Controlling Area
  • Profit Center
  • Month
  • Year
  • Amount
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BW/4HANA 2.0 Composite Provider Modeling

I lately looked deeper into the modeling of Composite Provider in BW/4HANA 2.0 and found some difference between a BW/4HANA 1.0, BWonHANA 7.50 and the latest version BW/4HANA 2.0. So let's compare them and see what's new, and we can go deeper in further posts. We start with the context menu of the scenario for the provider.

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SAP HANA Calculation View Documentation

Last week I ask on Twitter if anybody knows a good strategy to get all sources of a SAP HANA Calculation View (CV). I got different answers I want to share with you. One approach is really fascinating.

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BW/4HANA: Customer Exit Variable with dynamic assignment

You have different ways to store the logic of your customer exit variables in SAP BW/4HANA. After my last post about Customer Exit Variables with an own enhancement spot I want to share another solution with you. In this blog post I want to show you how you can implement a BAdI implementation with a Z-Table (Customer Table). In this table you find the assignment between the BEx variable and the corresponding class for the customer exit. This is how the table will look like:

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BW/4HANA 2.0 Customer Exit Variables with own enhancement spot

For a long time we used for checking and manipulation of customer exit variables the enhancement RSR00001. Since SAP BW 7.3 SAP offers the BAdI RSROA_VARIABLES_EXIT_BADI. Since BW/4 you only could use this BAdI and not anymore the enhancement RSR00001.


The BAdI RSROA_VARIABLES_EXIT_BADI is a filter based BAdI. As filter object is used the InfoObject which the variable is based on. Every implementation calls the interface IF_RSROA_VARIABLES_EXIT_BADI~PROCESS. So now let's create an example customer exit variable. The variable is based on Sales Channel (ZQV_ZSALCH_CEO_001) and can handle multiple single values.

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BW/4HANA 2.0 first impressions

I recently got a BW/4HANA 2.0 project. So I want to share some ideas and thoughts I discover in the whole process. First things first. Everything and I mean everything is only available in the BW/4 cockpit now. ADSO, InfoObject, Hierarchy management and even the Process Chain management is only available in the web. Some things are very confusing when you see it first. But let's dive in.

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Analysis Office Video Course is done

My video course about Analysis for Office is done. It will be released on 06.07.2020 @ 8:00 am MESZ. You find it under and you get more than 4 hours of 4k content for only 199€. The content will be extended if it is necessary. Here is a overview of the curriulum. 

  • Installation and Configuration
  • Customize Analysis Office 
  • Basic Functionality
  • Advanced Funtions
  • Reporting with Analysis API and VBA

Every chapter has a lot of videos to explain certain functions in detail. You can also view some letures as a preview for the course so have a look into it. Here are some examples with to show you what you can expect.

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Analysis Office 2.8 SP3 is available

I know its been a while since the last blog post. But I am currently working on the Analysis Office Video course to get it done. When you follow me on Twitter or Linkedin you get an update all the time. But back to topic. Analysis Office 2.8 SP3 is available almost over one week so let's look into it.


These bugs are fixed now:

  • #VALUE error for hierarchy leaves in SAPGetData in Fomula-optimized mode (s-note 2928899)
  • BAdI is not executed when launching (s-note 2923786)
  • Exception After Deleting an Excel Sheet (s-note 2907359)
  • Saving a workbook results in exception 0x800AC472 (s-note 2925165)

So its not much but after SAP released the standalone addin for SAP Analytics Cloud, they still working on Analysis for Office.


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Analysis Office Video Course

Currently I am working on my Analysis Office Video Course. It will be a full discover of Analysis for Office. So if you are interested in it, you can join the list to get a special price when it will be launched. 


Thank you for all your support.

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Analysis Office: Time Dependent Hierarchies

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What's new in Analysis Office 2.8 SP2

After the latest service pack of Analysis Office 2.8 was released this week, the online help is now available. Analysis Office now offers a button for creating and deleting of comments in the ribbon menu. In former versions, SAP used the text of Microsoft Excel for comments. As Microsoft renamed the comments to notes, it was inconsistent in the ribbon and the context menu. Now it is consistently again.


Also new is the file system setting UseLegacyModeForFormulaContext which allows you to specify the mode for creating formulas with Table Design. And in the planning area there is a new setting called PlanningFunctionUploadFolder, which allows you to upload the values for executing planning objects from a file.



So it is nothing big, but Analysis Office is still developing and not dead, even if there is a new SAC Addin. I hope there will be some feature I submitted. 

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SAP Transport Dependency Check

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Analysis Office 2.8 SP2 is available

Since today the latest version of Analysis Office 2.8 (release notes) is available. You can download it with your s-user in the SAP Support Portal.  There are only a few fixes:

  • AO: BEx Analyzer Workbook Conversion - Not all filters of Text Element converted (s-note 2902130)
  • Chart Data Series are added again as Chart Data (s-note 2898931)
  • Exception thrown when the login process is interrupted (s-note 2900972)
  • Hierarchy selection disappears after confirming Filter Dialog in case of HANA (s-note 2897838)
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Get Analysis Office - The Comprehensive Guide

If you want the latest edition of Analysis Office - The Comprehensive Guide, you can get it now with a 20% discount until easter 2020. Use the code Easter2020 in the online shop


If you want to read a review first, have a look at the review from Tammy Powlas or from Xavier Hacking. Tammys review is about the 3rd edition and Xaviers about the 1st edition.


If you have any questions or need any help, don't hesitate to contact me.

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Analysis Office Dimension Grouping

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Analysis Office Show medium text in prompt filter

Until now, we speak of Analysis Office 2.8, if you have different text maintained for an infoobject, Analysis Office shows only the short text in the prompt dialog. The maintenance view of the InfoObject shows all different texts.

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SAP Analysis for Office - The Comprehensive Guide 5th edition is available

It is done, the latest version of my book Analysis for Office - The Comprehensive Guide is available. It was a lot to do and so the book has now 346 pages. The 4th edition had only 299 pages. So there is some new stuff inside. The first 5 who contact me will get a promo discount code. Also I am happy if you want to write a review you get a review discount code. 


So you can buy it in the store. In future I will create more videos if there is any interest. So please leave a comment.

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What's new in Analysis Office 2.8

Yeah finally is Analysis Office 2.8 available. It took a long time. Here is a overview what's new.

  • In the prompt dialog you can clear all values
  • In the prompt dialog you can insert easily ranges with "value" "space" "minus" "space" "value" e.g. 2018 - 2019
  • You can display Dimension Groups in the Query.
  • The used dimensions are highlighted in the design panel
  • You can easily select the access mode in the property view
  • Variants in the prompt dialog are now in alphabetical order
  • You can easily get the admin or user guide by pressing F1 in the ribbon menu or the help on this function in the insert function dialog. The sam works for the customize user interface and the technical configuration.

This are some sweet features even not everything is running smoothly.

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Analysis Office 2.8 is available

Since last week the latest version of Analysis Office is available. I installed it right away and want to test it. And what I have to see? You cann't add hierarchies into the rows or columns of your crosstab. I tried to record it maybe you can see it in the video below.

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Analysis for Office Filter multiple hierarchy nodes

This week I discussed with a colleague. He ask if there is any way to filter multiple entries in a hierarchy because there is no Paste or Upload function in the hierarchy filter dialog.

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Decode an Analysis Office Workbook

The Analysis Office Workbook saves a lot of information in it. The Microsoft Excel format xlsx is a container which can save a lot of other information besides the normal data. When you rename a xlsx file to a zip file you can extract it with for example 7-Zip. Now you see the following folder structure.

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Analysis Office - The Comprehensive Guide

Now the book Analysis Office - The Comprehensive Guide 4th edition is now available via You can use credit card, paypal and other payment options.



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Analysis Office 2.7 SP8 is available

The latest version of Analysis Office is now available. It was released on 27.09.2019 and after the go live of my project is now done, I may have time to look more into Analysis Office again. 

  •  AO Prompt Selection makes Excel.exe freeze (s-note 2836430)
  • Analysis Office: Red borders around valid new line cells (s-note 2831840)
  • Exception when opening or saving a workbook or data source after Log Off (s-note 2838591)
  • RRI passes wrong context for axis tuple element (s-note 2834404)
  • SAPSetFilterComponent and Time Characteristics (s-note 2829371)

As you can see in this version there is not many things fixed or maybe they found not more? But the What's new Guide lists some new file system settings (technical parameter)


  • ForceWriteOlapConnectionInformationDuringWorkbookSave 
  • UseDocumentDescriptionToConstructBIDocumentFileName
  • UseDocumentDescriptionToConstructBWDocumentFileName
  • SacHttpSessionPingInterval
  • SearchFetchMemberLimit
  • AllowOverwritingOfDimensionNames
  • AllowOverwritingOfStructureMemberNames
  • ReverseVariableProcessingOrderForHanaFromOldxml
  • UseKeyForHierarchySelection
  • UseQueryVariantsForViews

The admin guide now documented now all these parameters. A nice parameter is UseKeyForHierarchySelection, which allows you to define if you want to see the keys of a hierarchy in the first coloumn or second column of your prompt.

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I just got an email from you via the contact formula. But When I answer to your email or to your shop order, I get an error "The email account that you tried to reach does not exist." I tried it several times, maybe your account is full? So can you please provide me another mail address or contact information? Maybe via Linkedin or so?


Thanks, I don't know any other way to contact you :)

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Analysis Office - The Comprehensive Guide Discount Code

Until the end of the month you can get my book with 30% off. Just use the discount code Summer2019. You can buy it here.

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What's new in Analysis Office 2.7 SP7

It's a kind of summer break at the moment and I haven't done a lot for this blog in the last time. But SAP now release the 7th service pack of Analysis Office. 


You can now use the filtering data access mode with SAP Analytics Cloud data sources, analytic and planning models. There are also 3 new file system settings:

  • ShowCutCopyPasteInGridContextMenu
  • EnableImprovedAddInCompatibility
  • UseSeparateDisplaySettingsForFilterDialog

The setting ShowCutCopyPasteInGridContextMenu allows you to sepcify whether the cut, copy and paste entries should be available in the context menu for a crosstab cell. The setting EnableImprovedAddInCompatibility should improve the compatibility with other Microsoft Office add-ins. How this work we will see.


The setting UseSeparateDisplaySettingsForFilterDialog you can define if the display settings defined in the filter dialog should be saved with the workbook.


So as you can see nothing spectecularit fixes also a little bit:

  • ALL: Current View Edition mode when a member start with the same characters that another member (s-note 2811124)
  • ALL: during a customized drill through Excel remains frozen (s-note 2813223)
  • ALL: last selection not saved when set to Base Level (s-note 2811297)
  • AO 2.7 SP6: Office 2010 - Can't open AO workbooks via launcher (s-note 2814329)
  • Analysis Office Performance Issue when Refreshing Workbooks with Many Format (Design) Rules (s-note 2813968)
  • ALL:Report options are truncated (s-note 2814791)

 I am still looking for Analysis Office 2.8, but now I am first enyoing my vacation.

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SAP BW F4 BAdI to restrict hierarchy nodes

In our current project we had to deal with the requirement that the enduser only want to show a certain node of a hierarchy to filter. So we used the F4 restriction from the transaction spro. You find the entry under Business Warehouse >> Enhancements >> BAdI: Restricting the Value Help in the Variables Screen. We implemented it in the method GET_RESTRICTION_NODE.


At this time I had only experience with the method GET_RESTRICTION_FLAT and searched for implementation examples. I found a wiki entry on scn. In our case we had bookable nodes so we implemented it like this to get these node and all children of it.


l_s_node-nodename = 'NODE1'.

l_s_node-niobnjm      = 'ZZ_IO'.

Append l_s_node to c_t_node.


But it didn't work out. The debugging showed no error, but the restriction always showed the complete hierarchy. After a little digging we found our mistake, it have to look like the follwing:


l_s_node-nodename = 'LEAF1'.

Append l_s_node to c_t_node.

l_s_node-nodename = 'LEAF2'.

Append l_s_node to c_t_node.


And so on for all leafs. So we had to add all leafs and not the nodes. I didn't found any good explanation so here is the short article about it. Thanks to my collegue who had the problem.

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Analysis Office Size Limit of result set exceeded with small query

It has been a quite while since the last post. But with a go live and a reorganization of my current project I hadn't time to look into some topic. But here is a new kind of interessting bug. We had an open task from a user of the controlling department, that a query display the message:

"Size Limit of result set exceeded."

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Analysis Office 2.7 SP6 is available

Since 24.05.2019 the latest service pack of Analysis Office is available. At the moment I am working on a test tool to automate testing in BW so I can easy check if any change of mappings and so on has an impact on my ADSO or query result. But I found time to install it. A "bug" what I found was when I want to insert a data source from the recent list, nothing happend. The solution was to reinstall Analysis Office and now it works. Here is the list of bug fixes:

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SAP BW fix incorrect data in a DataStore-Object

Here just a short notice if somebody doesn't know it yet. If you have a false information in a data record you can fix this manually either in a PSA or (A)DSO. Just select the desired entry and click Display (F7).

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SAP HANA Table Functions

It has been very quite at the moment.Because nothing spectecular is happening in the Analysis Office world. SAP released Analysis Office 2.7 SP5. I still hope they get Analysis Office 2.8 back on track and without so much problems as they have today.  But back to topic.

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Analysis Office 2.7 SP5 is available

Since last week SAP published the latest version of Analysis Office 2.7 SP5. I don't know if any other version ever had a service pack so high like the actual version. At this time SAP doesn't offer the newst help file under So stay tuned if there is something happening. Here is an overview about what they fixed:

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Customer exit variable to hide hierachy node

In my current project we have the hide a position in a hierarchy, because it is a departmental requirement. The hierarchy is used by many departments so we cannot change it and we also don't want to have the same hierarchy two times (except for the one position). So we first excluded the position in the query.

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Analysis Office 2.7 SP4 is available

Since last week the latest SP of Analysis Office is available. You can download it here, but you need a S-User.  I know I am a little bit late but here here is the overview of what is now fixed:

  • AO 2.7: SAC - Exception when editing cell values while characteristic Versions is in Background Filters (s-note 2743351)
  • AO 2.x: HANA - Member Selector - Searching for a date does not return any results for characteristics of data type "DATE" (s-note 2742728)
  • AO: SAC - Versions Tab not displayed when opening a saved workbook that contains a planning enabled model (s-note 2743355)
  • Analysis Office: Exception when closing Excel workbook (s-note 2741439)
  • Analysis Office: calling SAPSetFilterComponent via Visual Basic throws an exception (s-note 2740920)
  • Analysis Office: connection to BW system fails if message server is maintained on BIP using router syntax (s-note 2744794)
  • Dependent hierarchy node variables have wrong value (s-note 2745229)
  • Excel hangs during workbook refresh (s-note 2743853)
  • F4 Help on Input Ready Cells (s-note 2742723)
  • SAPGetData referencing a cell of type numeric (s-note 2741409)
  • ALL:Report recognition issue (s-note 2743045)
  • AO 2.x: Can't logon with language Basque / Euskara (EU) (s-note 2744455)
  • Added Support for PowerPoint Feature 'Design Ideas' (s-note 2743659)
  • Could not read grid properties (s-note 2744138)
  • Workbook is corrupted if contained charts are filtered (s-note 2741492)
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Analysis Office - The Comprehensive Guide 4th edition

It is done, the newest edtion of Analysis Office  - The Comprehensive Guide is available. It took me this time a little bit longer to update it. There are several reasons like my project workload or the the private stuff which make it sometimes difficult to write on a book and tests functions in peace without noise. You can now find it in the store and here is the table of content. It covers Analysis Office 2.7 SP3 and contains 299 Pages. It is only available as PDF but it is as always DRM free. Also is the 3rd edition now available on amazon.

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Analysis Office 2.7 SP3 is available

Since the 21.12.2018 the latest service pack of Analysis Office 2.7 is available. I looked in the morning into the Support Portal but it wasn't released and in the afternoon Patrick wrote on Twitter, that Analysis Office 2.7 SP3 is released. I thought it wouldn't released anymore in 2018 but here are the fixed problems:

  • New Options in Excel Single Workbook Publication (s-note 2729417)
  • Bad Performance when switching presentations in Member Selector (s-note 2731997)
  • Excel 2010 - "Not enough system resources" exception after disabling Analysis (s-note 2715429)
  • Rendering issues with hierarchies when opening or saving workbooks (s-note 2730596)
  • After launching document from platform some functionality of Analysis Office is not available (s-note 2725968)
  • Analysis Office Scheduling Fails for Workbooks with Waterfall Charts (s-note 2731173)
  • Analysis Office: Expanding or collapsing hierachical nodes not possible after entering planning data (s-note 2725060)
  • Analysis for Office: empty cell is displayed instead of header text when using grouped crosstabs (s-note 2714938)
  • Array Formulas are not dectected and updated (s-note 2729399)
  • BW comments: document filter (s-note 2709480)
  • CTRL + F4 or ALT + F4 open Value Help on Input Enabled Cell (s-note 2718143)
  • Crosstab Formatting by User is discarded when Data is Removed Before Saving (s-note 2715376)
  • Dynamic calculation initially not visible (s-note 2714787)
  • Error caused by circular dependency with restrictions (s-note 2732084)
  • Error when open workbook from BI Launchpad with local BW data source (s-note 2725798)
  • Exception 0x80020005 when working with several workbooks (s-note 2714665)
  • Exception when selecting measure or key figure of crosstab (s-note 2719635)
  • Known Issues in Application Builder Embedded Profiles in Analysis Office (s-note 2685815)
  • Missing authorization when loading comments from BI Platform (s-note 2717435)
  • Recent List of Open Workbook from SAP Business Objects BI Platform shows all workbook entries as enabled (s-note 2723455)
  • Ribbon controls get duplicated with Embedded profiles in Analysis Office workbooks (s-note 2717113)
  • ValueHelp is shown by pressing F4 even if context is wrong (s-note 2716038)
  • Workbooks are loaded from Netweaver backend although caching is active (s-note 2722138)
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SAP Business Warehouse DTP Filter with ABAP Routine

In my current project I have to filter data with a lot of logic. So I build some ABAP routines in a DTP filter to receive the necessary data. First you have to open the DataTransferProcess (DTP) in change mode and select the Filter button on the Extraction tab.

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Analysis Office 2.7 - Data Source for Defining Formulas Part 2

I received an email from Jean-Pierre, who tried the new function Data Source for Defining Formulas of Analysis Office 2.7 - but it didn't work as he mentioned in his email. The option Select Data Soure for Defining Formulas was gray out for BEx Queries.  It worked when he insert the Multiprovider or the Composite Provider. So I was very confused and tried to find a solution.

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What's new in Analysis Office 2.7 SP2

It is a little late for Analysis Office 2.7 SP2 but SAP just delivered Patch 1 so I can write a short note about it. Finaly SAP give you the option to Create a Web Application in Lumira Designer. But if you installed SAP Design Studio an SAP Lumira Designer, it always opens Design Studio. Analysis Office doesn't care if you first install Lumira or Design Studio. Design Studio always wins. At the moment there is no setting like the DefaultBWQueryDesigner for the old BEx Query Designer or the new Eclipse Query Designer.


Patch 1 also fixes some little bugs.

  •  Analysis for Office: Instead of the document description the document name is displayed as title in Excel for documents form the BW platform (s-note 2640073)
  • Converting BEx workbook with BExGetCellData formulas shows error message (s-note 2709536)
  • Search in Filter Dialog takes long for compound dimension (s-note 2695275)
  • Selector Search Performance - Limitation of fetched members from backend (s-note 2711919)

I think it is nothing spectacular but it is maintenance.

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Analysis Office 2.7 SP2 is available

It's been a while since the last blog post and I am also late for the news that Analysis Office 2.7 SP2 is available. As Patrick told me on 05.10.2018 Analysis Office 2.7 SP2 is GA. But I was on vaction so I didn't find the time to write about it. So here we are:


This is fixed in Service Pack 2

  • 'Value cannot be null.' exception in Formula Optimized mode (s-note 2695717)
  • AO 2.7 Reference to another Sheet causes an Error in AO (s-note 2694323)
  • Analysis Office: SSO not working for Olap connections defined in BIP (s-note 2679569)
  • Analysis Office: no connections defined on the BIP are displayed in AO (s-note 2684736)
  • Data cell comments from BI Platform have wrong encoding (s-note 2691438)
  • Error when recalculating new plan values in SAC context (s-note 2696322)
  • Filter Components for non filtered dimensions are removed during scheduling (s-note 2687795)
  • Filter Dialog - Incorrect Selection behavior for SAC Dimensions (s-note 2690868)
  • Filter by Measure defaults to date filter values on non-date measures (s-note 2685511)
  • Installation on a machine without PowerPoint (s-note 2682628)
  • Long text of BW backend messages is not shown in error dialog (s-note 2685807)
  • Missing warning message when opening a workbook with BW comments in an older AO version (s-note 2692393)
  • Parallel HANA connections (s-note 2690486)
  • Precalculation - Exception while saving Workbook (s-note 2693145)
  • SAC/AO/error message when sharing versions (s-note 2688438)
  • Search in Filter Dialog takes long for compound dimension (s-note 2695275)
  • Tabular View lost after converting BEx Workbook (s-note 2686581)

When I have more time, I will look deeper into Analysis Office 2.7 SP2 and write a short overview.

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Analysis Office 2.7 SP1 is available

Since last week Analysis Office 2.7 SP1 is available. Here is a short overview what SAP fixed in this verison.


  • Advanced calculation initially not visible (s-note 2663436)
  • Analysis Office: No connections displayed after login to BIP server (s-note 2667319)
  • Analysis Office: RFC sessions not closed after workbook is closed (s-note 2669330)
  • Analysis Office: data sources contained in workbooks which are deleted on BW server are still visible (s-note 2664623)
  • Error at undo operation of show / hide totals (s-note 2662791)
  • Exception occuring when pasting members with a trailng '\' (s-note 2667373)
  • Exception when trying to save a workbook with BW comments (s-note 2673237)
  • F4 Key Support to open Value Help for Formula SAPSelectMember and Insheet Filter Items (s-note 2660900)
  • Formula-optimized workbook - SAPGetData formula doesn't work with referenced SAPSelectMember formula (s-note 2658258)
  • Grouped Crosstabs: Exception while opening a VBA Workbook (s-note 2670564)
  • OLAP Connection information gets lost in workbook when saving (s-note 2658848)
  • Value Help - Datepickers initial selection differs (s-note 2659885)
  • Wrong values in formula-optimized mode because of unassigned member (s-note 2660581)
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Analysis Office Launching Workbooks from BIP with variables

Since Analysis Office 2.6 you are able to launch workbooks from BIP with variables. The biggest problem is to have a BI Platform 4.2 SP5 and time to test this feature. In case of writing an updated version of Analysis Office - The Comprehensive Guide, I now have a BI Platform which fulfilled the conditions. According to SAP slides, the command looks like this:

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SAP BW Reset request/task status

In my current project we have a go live. So I needed a function to reset the transport status of some transports. So if you release your transport falsely the transport is locked by release and can no longer be removed from the transport status. Maybe you also want to delete the entire transport request. This option is also denied as soon as the tasks have been released. The standard procedures are very laborious and not only cost a lot of time, but also have a certain risk potential. SAP offers a report which solves your problem. The report is RDDIT076. As you see in the next picture, the transport is released.

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Analysis Office Data Source for Defining Formulas

A new function in Analysis Office 2.7 is "Select Data Source for Defining Formulas". But what does this mean? First the prerequisites:

So I just logged into my BW 7.50 test system and what I have to see, we only have a BW 7.5 SP11. So I have applied the notes and each note need further notes to implemented. I just want to test something and now I have to implement more than 30 notes.


After this was done I could start finally to test this function. Alexander Peter showed in the latest DSAG webcast an example so I had a slight idea what to do.

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SAP HANA Calculation View to build virtual keyfigure

In my project I have now the opportunity to build SAP HANA Calculation Views. We use Calculation Views to combine two different Advanced DataStore Objects. First you have to set the parameter External HANA View in the setting of your ADSO. When you activate this setting a SAP HANA Table is created which you can use in a Calculation View.

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What's new in Analysis Office 2.7

Today Analysis Office 2.7 was released. Thanks to Zisi1990, who pointed me seconds after it was released that it is available. You can download it with a S-User. Here is a short overview what's new in Analysis Office 2.7:

  • You now have to two ribbon tabs. One for the analysis and one for design
  • There is a new formula called SAPSelectMember. The formula returns a member of a dimension, this might be interressting for VBA.
  • You can now save comments to BW/4HANA. The history of these comments is available in the new tab Comments in the design panel and you can now select the preffered platform for your comments. Either BW/4HANA or BI platform.
  • There are also two new file system parameter:
    • PreferredDocumentStorage
    • EnablePreferredDocumentStorage
  • You now can use Planning Data with SAP Analytics Could models.
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What's new in Analysis Office 2.6 SP3

After a short vacation over Pentecost I have now time to write "What's new in Analysis Office 2.6 SP3". A short overview yo find in this post. The user guide shows some new things:

  • The formula SAPSetFilterComponent has two new parameters: MEMBERSELECTOR
  • You can now copy Table Design from one Crosstab to another. This is really cool.
  • Table Design formulas can now be restricted


The admin guide has 20 new pages to the Analysis Office 2.6 guide. The settings chapter is new organized and in my opinion a little bit better organized than before. Also new is the topic how to use the BI Platform with hyperlinks and variables like the old BI Portal. This is described in section 5.9.4 in the admin guide.

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Analysis Office 2.6 SP3 is available

Since yesterday Analysis Office 2.6 SP3 is available. You need as always a S-User to download the latest version. Here is a short overview what it might fix.

  • "Create Web Application" button is not enabled when SAP Lumira Designer is installed (s-note 2636541)
  • Correct sorting of members of type CalendarDay or DateTime in Filter Dialog (s-note 2625487)
  • Exception after saving workbook as PDF (s-note 2633496)
  • Filter Dialog does not update Hierarchy after switch of Access Mode (s-note 2637491)
  • Grouped Crosstabs: Expanding and Filtering in the Columns does not work (s-note 2637846)
  • Inserted chart does not reflect complete data (s-note 2635814)
  • Link Dimensions: Issues with drag and drop (s-note 2610471)
  • Performance Issue related to many Shared Strings in Workbook (s-note 2638243)
  • Restart option missing (s-note 2633506)
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SAP BW Assign navigation attribute to InfoObject

In my current project we run into an issue that we have to match navigation attributes from one ADSO to an infoobject of another ADSO. The old feature of a MultiProvider was to Identify (assign).

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Book about BW Backend tips & tricks

I hope you can help me, to find out if there is any interesting about a book that covers BW Backend topics. I think about a book which covers SAP HANA, AMDP/ABAP, BW Administration and so on. Thanks for your time.

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BW Modeling Tools: Create a CompositeProvider

If you want to create a Composite Provider in the BW Modeling Tools, you have to choose New >> Composite Provider in the context menu of your InfoArea or File >> New >> Composite Provider.

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SAP Analysis Office Book is available

Since last week the new version of my book SAP Analysis Office - The Comprehensive Guide is now available. You can find it only here in my shop. The book is based on Analysis Office 2.6 and covers now all about:

  • Customizing Analysis Office including file system settings
  • The basic stuff with Analytics Cloud
  • The advanced stuff like Table Design and Group Members
  • The API and formula functions
  • Troubleshooting and so on

The table of content can be found here. If you have any questions feel free to write them into the comments.


One question from me:

Is it ok, that there is only Paypal as payment method or do you need more? Just write it in the comments and I will see what I can do.

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What's new in Analysis Office 2.6 SP2

Analysis Office 2.6 SP2 is available since two weeks. There are only some slight changes to Analysis Office 2.6 SP1. You are now able to set the selection type for the formula SAPSetFilterComponent to MEMBERSELECTORBYRANGE. So you can use it to define the filter dialog with range option as standard.


Also a new selection type for the VBA API SAPCallMemberSelector is now available. It is called MULTIPLEBYRANGE, which allows you to select a range of members for filtering. So if you found new functions, feel free to write them down in the comments.

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Analysis Office 2.6 SP2 is available

Since two days the new version of Analysis Office 2.6 is available. You need as always a S-User to download the latest version. Here is a short overview what it might fix:

  • AO 2.x: Table Design Formulas causes crash on initialze of Design Rules Tab if no applicable Data was found (s-note 2609841)
  • Analysis Office: Existing workbook in favorites folders on BIP will not be overwritten (s-note 2614892)
  • Analysis Office: Grouping crosstabs from different worksheets throws an exception (s-note 2614536)
  • Analysis Office: System alias of a query defined on BIP server is overwritten (s-note 2616663)
  • Filter Component results in error with Manual Calculation Mode (s-note 2605076)
  • Filter on Characteristics used in Restriction is lost after additional characteristic is used (s-note 2614466)
  • No drop down to select the date for between condition (s-note 2615430)
  • Undo operation for restriction fails (s-note 2606838)

A overview what's new will be available next week. If you find something interesting, please feel free to post a comment.

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Analysis Office Restrictions

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What's new in Analysis Office 2.6 SP1

Analysis Office 2.6 SP1 is available since last week. When you look at the What's new guide from SAP, you see nothing spectacular new. You have now a new file system setting called AlwaysDoApplicationSteps. You can use this setting to write entries into the table RSDDSTAT_OLAP afer each action without the need to close Analysis Office.


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SAP BW Decode String during Import

In my current project I have a file to import, which only delivers me a string with a length of 1000. I also get a description what is in this file. Like the following points:

  • Customer from 1 to 10
  • City from 11 to 50

The file looks like: 0000123456London............................ So I have a file and a description how to decode this file. Now I need to find a way to separate this information into InfoObjects. I build a Z-Table which contains the decode information.

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Analysis Office 2.6 SP1 is available

Since today Analysis Office 2.6 SP1 is available. You need as always a S-User to download the latest version. Here is a short overview what it might fix.

  • AO 2.6 Table design rule: Error with Formula VLOOKUP to external excel (s-note 2590137)
  • AO: Exceptions occur when loading AO after opening an AO workbook (s-note 2595959)
  • Analyis Office: Text and Key are concatenated in new line attributre cells (s-note 2586756)
  • Analysis Office: Saving a workbook destroys the layout of the workbook (s-note 2594627)
  • Prompts dialog: Hierarchy variable shows wrong value (s-note 2587530)
  • Scheduling A.O. Workbook Generates Corrupted Workbooks (s-note 2589444)
  • Sheets option are lost when Excel document is opened from server repos (s-note 2593473)
  • Table Design formats are not applied (s-note 2594716)

 A overview what's new will be available next week. If you find something interesting, please feel free to post a comment.

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SAP BW Create own reversal entry

Lately, all my posts started with "In my current project", so now something else, even if it was developed in the current project. The problem we are facing with is that we get a data extraction which deliver us only the new data records, not the reverse data record.

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Analysis Office Filter by Member Attribute

Crosstab before Filter by Member Attribute
Crosstab before Filter by Member Attribute
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SAP BW: Keyfigure to Account Model

In my current project we have a lots of source systems which delivers our data in a key figure model. In a normal case is this not a problem. But we need the values of the key figures in a hierarchy. So there are two ways to realize it. First way would be we build a structure with restricted key figures and get our hierarchy. Here is the problem, the customer will need different queries to realize his needs. If there is a change, we need to adjust different queries (each has a light different hierarchy) and the maintainace is immense.

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Analysis Office 2.6 is available

As you might know, Analysis Office 2.6 is available now. To download it, you need a S-User with download credentials. First SAP BusinessObjects Analysis for Microsoft Office is now called, SAP Analysis for Microsoft Office. Damn I have to rewrite my book, just kidding. Here is a short overview of What's new in Analysis Office 2.6:

  • You can now copy a Table Design formula by using Microsoft Excel Fill Handling
  • The formula SAPSetFilterComponent has a new selection type MEMBERSSELECTOR.
  • The API Command NumberOfNewLines can now set the number of new lines for a crosstab
  • According to Matthew Shaw you can now connect to/report on SAP Analytics Cloud.

So I just downloaded Analysis Office 2.6 and maybe I can write a little bit more in the next days.

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Analysis Office 2.5 SP2

In the last month I was very busy with my thesis and my project at work, so I had no time to write a lot of blog posts. So here is a short overview what Analysis Office 2.5 SP2 fix. But keep in mind, Analysis Office 2.6 is up coming.

  •  An execption is thrown when grouping crosstabs (s-note 2530837)
  • Formula SAPGetVariable does not return value for BASEINFOOBJT if variables are merged (s-note 2529886)
  • Group Crosstabs / Compact Display does not work properly (s-note 2527113)
  • Native date, date time and time span rendering (s-note 2482546)
  • Not able to change presentation of attribute (s-note 2525435)
  • Refresh in Open dialog does not work (s-note 2536320)
  • Launching a second workbook starts an empty Excel (s-note 2551513)
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What's new in Analysis Office 2.6

Today Alexander Peter showed in the ASUG Webcast Analysis Office 2.6. The expected GA is in three weeks. New in Analysis Office 2.6 are the following things:

  • Table Design Improvements (auto complete enhancements)
  • Improved handling of new lines in planning applications (SAP BW 7.5 SP11)
  • Open Analysis Office workooks using variables (BI Platform 4.2 SP5)
  • Editing schedule jobs (BI Platform 4.2 SP5)
  • Scheduling based on events (BI Platform 4.2 SP5)
  • Publications (BI Platform 4.2 SP5)
  • More features with SAP Analytics Cloud such as exception aggregation
  • Access repository of all (native) cloud models
  • Exception aggregation on the fly
  • Use Dynamic Calculations Rank and Rank Olympic (planned for SP1)
  • Launch Workbooks directly from the BI Platform with variables (BI Platform 4.2 SP5)
  • Rescheduling Jobs on the BI Platform 4.2 SP5
  • Scheduling workbooks with events (e.g. successful/failed data load to BW)
  • Use VLOOKUP with Table Design
  • Filter by Range is now possible
  • New Parameter such as EnableNativeFormatting or UseNewLinesLegacyMode
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SAP BW Use Pattern in Variable with Customer Exit

In my current project I created with a collegue a really cool function to analyze a string with 1333 characters. We are using a BW 7.4 SP 17 on HANA. First we have to build an Advanced DataStoreObject with a Field which has a length of 1333. For further understanding, we call the field Field_1333. As data type I used SSTRING.

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Analysis Office 2.5 - Technical Configuration

A really cool feature of Analysis Office 2.5 can you see in the "backend" under File >> Analysis. The function Customize Analysis offers now new options. Besides the Customize User Interface from Analysis Office 2.4 which allows you to change the ribbon menu of Analysis Office, you now can directly modify the technical settings of Analysis Office.

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Analysis Office 2.5 DataSource Information

This week is very short in case of the day of German unity and we have sprint change next week, I haven't time to write a lot so here is just one goodie. When you insert a DataSource in Analysis Office 2.5 you see the recent inserted DataSource. Now in Analysis Office 2.5 you also see the technical name of the query and the system. I think this is nice if you are testing a query on different systems.

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Analysis Office 2.5 Scaling Factor

In my current project I work a lot in the backend of a BW 7.4 on HANA but I finally found time to look into Analysis Office 2.5. Here is a short explanation about the feature that the scaling factor works now with conditional formatting. If you configure your conditional formatting like the following screenshot and apply after that your favourite scaling factor. It automatically adjusts.

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Analysis Office 2.5 is available

Analysis Office 2.5 is finally available since the end of August for everyone. After I submit my diploma thesis last week, I have now time to see whats new in Analysis Office 2.5. Here is the first short overview of the new feature:

  • You are now able to connect to SAP BusinessObjects Cloud
  • Customize User Interface has new options
  • New different troubleshooting modes
  • New options with Table Design
  • A new API method SAPCallMemberSelector
  • Changes on the grouping Crosstab function
  • New file system setting ShowUtcTimeStampsInDataCells
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Analysis Office 2.5 & AMDP

At the moment it is very quiet about new blog post. This is maybe the summer break everybody talks about. ;)

I am at the final phase of my diploma thesis and have no time to do cool stuff and also SAP doesn't release Analysis Office 2.5. It is still in ramp up and nothing new at the moment.


So I could only say, my current project is a BW on HANA and I am testing how HANA SQL Script (AMDP) works and how fast we could build some stuff. First tests show a transformation with routines for 800.000 records about 1:55 minutes. The same transformation with AMDP (ABAP Managed Database Procedures) only need between 15 - 23 seconds. This is really impressive. 


So stay tuned, if SAP will release Analysis Office 2.5 and some examples with AMDP.

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Design Studio Mobile Application

Mobile Application is the big thing in management. If you want to create a mobile application in SAP Design Studio, SAP have some recommendations:

  • Keep the application simple and don't use too many components
  • Don't use crosstab components for smartphone applications
  • Limit the total number of cells in your crosstab to 500 for tablet applications

I hope everybody stick to this recommendations or we will see people looking like that:

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BW/4HANA Export Transports

I know that I don't publish a lot of new posts the last few weeks. The reason is I am writing on my diploma thesis. The title is "S/4HANA versus BW/4HANA - Zukunft der Datenanalyse". My deadline is in the middle of September so I have to write a lot these days. At the moment, I have access to a BW/4HANA instance in the cloud and I want to share how you could export your development before you terminate the instance. First you have to log on with the SAP* user in the client 000. Go to the transaction stms and select the System Overview.

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Analysis Office 2.4 SP3 is released

Last week the Analysis Office 2.4 SP3 was released. Here is a short overview of notes, which may solves some problems.

  • 2460877 - Excel crashes when opening several workbooks with SAPListOfMessages
  • 2461196 - Advanced calculation editor throws error when inserting a member
  • 2468933 - Effective filter shows only # for compounded characteristic
  • 2463167 - Non-SAP (built-in) formula cells of workbook are not refreshed
  • 2467459 - Prompts dialog clears variable
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BW Modeling Tools create advanced DataStore-Object

If you use a BW/4HANA instance, you have to use the BW Modeling Tools (BWMT) to build your data model. You could only build Advanced DataStore-Objects (ADSO). If you create a new ADSO, you have to select a BW-Project and an InfoArea. After that you have to define a technical name and a description. You could also use a template to build your ADSO.

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Install your own SAP BW on a virtual machine

I described in a earlier post how to use BW/4HANA on Amazon AWS. But if you just need a developing system for some time and don't want to use BW/4HANA, you can use the BW 7.5 SP2 developer edition on a virtual machine.

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Analysis Office - The Comprehensive Guide 2nd edition

After I had time in my parental leave to read proof the second edition of my book, I can say it is now finished. The second edition is now available in the store. You can download the table of content here. This version is only available here and at the moment not on Amazon.


If you have any questions feel free to ask and send me either an email or a comment. I hope to publish regularly in the next weeks so stay tuned.

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