Now that we know how to authenticate to the SAP Datasphere API. We can now look at my example that I posted on LinkedIn last year. The goal is to get all the views that are exposed for consumption. If you set this flag, you can consume this view with a 3rd party tool such as PowerBi.
So if a view is flagged as exposed for consumption, this could be a data leakage issue if there is no Data Access Control (DAC) in place. So I also want to see if a view is exposed and if so, if it has a Data Access Control assigned to it. This allows me to identify incorrectly exposed views and see if anyone has access to data without DACs.
All code examples are available on my GitHub repository.
Every tool has the authentication part, so I moved it to a separate class. If you want to know how to build it, read the last blog post.
1. Start the program
So let's start with the explanation of the program. As I will be using it from the terminal, I want to parametrize it and not have any fixed values inside. To do this, I use the ArgumentParser for the config file and the space name I want to check. I read the parameter for all the necessary information like the host, the password and so on from it.
if __name__ == "__main__": parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Get all exposed views of a space") parser.add_argument("-f", "--file", required=True, help="Path of parameter file") parser.add_argument("-s", "--space", required=True, help="Space") args = parser.parse_args() with open(args.file, 'r') as f: config = json.load(f) dsp_host = config["DATASPHERE"]["dsp_host"] dsp_space = hdb_address = config["HDB"]["hdb_address"] hdb_port = config["HDB"]["hdb_port"] hdb_user = config["HDB"]["hdb_user"] hdb_password = config["HDB"]["hdb_password"] # Now roll the dice and go to work print("Started...") get_exposed_views() print("Ended")
I always use this logic, so I don't have to declare all the information in each tool. The JSON file I read has the following structure:
{ "DATASPHERE": { "dsp_host": "" }, "HDB": { "hdb_address": "", "hdb_port": 443, "hdb_user": "user", "hdb_password": "password" }, "SETTINGS": { "secrets_file": "secret.json", "token_file": "token.json", "deploy_wait_time_in_seconds": 0, "export_folder_path": "", "view_name_prefix": "1GV", "start_technical_name": 7 } }
Get all csn files
The main function is the get_exposed_views function. There is the logon to the HANA Cloud Database to get the CSN annotations of all objects.
def get_csn_files(): # Connect to HDB conn = dbapi.connect( address=hdb_address, port=int(hdb_port), user=hdb_user, password=hdb_password ) cursor = conn.cursor() # select statement to fetch csn's. Selection on highest ARTIFACT_VERSION for each object. st = f''' SELECT A.ARTIFACT_NAME, A.CSN, A.ARTIFACT_VERSION FROM "{dsp_space}$TEC"."$$DEPLOY_ARTIFACTS$$" A INNER JOIN ( SELECT ARTIFACT_NAME, MAX(ARTIFACT_VERSION) AS MAX_ARTIFACT_VERSION FROM "{dsp_space}$TEC"."$$DEPLOY_ARTIFACTS$$" WHERE SCHEMA_NAME = '{dsp_space}' AND ARTIFACT_NAME NOT LIKE '%$%' AND PLUGIN_NAME in ('tableFunction', 'InAModel') GROUP BY ARTIFACT_NAME ) B ON A.ARTIFACT_NAME = B.ARTIFACT_NAME AND A.ARTIFACT_VERSION = B.MAX_ARTIFACT_VERSION; ''' cursor.execute(st) rows = cursor.fetchall() conn.close() total_rows = len(rows) print('Total rows: ' + str(total_rows)) return rows
As you can see, we are selecting the csn column from the $TEC schema of the previously provided space. And return the rows to the get_exposed_views function.
Get exposed views
Once we have all the objects, we can loop through the CSN definitions of the objects. In the CSN annotation, there is a key called "consumption.external". So we can read this parameter and see if a view is exposed or not.
def get_exposed_views(): exposedViews = [] dac_objects = [] dac_items = [] # Get objects which are exposed csn_files = get_csn_files() for csn in csn_files: csn = csn[1] csn_loaded = json.loads(csn) dac_objects.clear() dac_items.clear() objectName = list(csn_loaded['definitions'].keys())[0] label = csn_loaded['definitions'][objectName]['@EndUserText.label'] try: exposed = csn_loaded['definitions'][objectName]['@DataWarehouse.consumption.external'] except KeyError: exposed = False
The next check is to see if the object has a Data Access Control (DAC) assigned to it. For this we have the key "dataAccessControl.usage" which shows the information.
try: for dac in csn_loaded['definitions'][objectName]['@DataWarehouse.dataAccessControl.usage']: if len(dac['on']) == 3: # one column mapping dac_items.append(dac['on'][0]['ref'][0]) if len(dac['on']) == 7: # two column mapping dac_items.append(dac['on'][0]['ref'][0]) dac_items.append(dac['on'][4]['ref'][0]) dac_objects.append(dac["target"]) except KeyError: dac_items.clear() dac_objects.clear()
At the end I create a list which I publish via a Pandas data frame to Excel and format this Excel in the right way.
exposedViews.append((dsp_space, objectName, label, exposed, ', '.join(f'{item}' for item in dac_items), ', '.join(f'{object}' for object in dac_objects))) df = pd.DataFrame(exposedViews, columns=['Space', 'Object', 'Description', 'Exposed', 'DAC Item', 'DAC Object']) df.to_excel(excel_file, sheet_name='Sheet1', index=False) # Format Excel utils.format_excel(excel_file)
This is the magic to get all the views that are exposed and have a data access control assigned or not. This is the first of many ideas I would like to share with you using the Datasphere API and HANA Cloud Database.
Thanks again to Andreas Dietz for the initial idea. Please share your thoughts in the comments.

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