Since last week the latest version of Analysis Office is available. I installed it right away and want to test it. And what I have to see? You cann't add hierarchies into the rows or columns of your crosstab. I tried to record it maybe you can see it in the video below.
Does nobody test basic functions before releasing a new version? But they also fixed some bugs from previous versions.
- Analysis Office: Red borders around valid new line cells (s-note 2831840)
- AO: Documents opened from a BI Platform system are not displayed in Recent Documents List of AO (s-note 2848548)
- Analyis Office: Content of new line cells is overwritten by content of other crosstab cells when opening workbook (s-note 2861063)
- Analysis Office: Design rules formats of master crosstab not applied to dependent crosstab (s-note 2849041)
- Analysis Office: Exception when closing workbook in case 'Remove Data Before Saving' is active (s-note 2854979)
- Analysis Office: Inconsistent behavior if RSADMIN parameter BICS_NEW_LINE_CHECK_ENABLED is set to blank or not existing (s-note 2844345)
- Analysis Office: Performance Tuning (s-note 2821386)
- Error after assigning attributes or while dragging them (s-note 2852220)
- Filter of a planning function not set (s-note 2851131)
- Grouped Crosstabs: \"No Applicable Data\" in all Cells of the Dependants (s-note 2858675)
- Login to SAC System fails due to not receiving a valid X-XSRF token from the root url (s-note 2853284)
- New Lines - Value suggestion is not working for cell if display is combination of Text and Key (s-note 2859180)
- New Lines and Format Cells entries not disabled in context menu while running Analysis for Office in embedded Excel (s-note 2860401)
- RFC_METADATA error after upgrading BW server (client part) (s-note 2861026)
- Refresh does not work when refreshing via Workbook_SAP_Initialize event (s-note 2848410)
- Scheduling fails if Workbook contains several Styles Definitions for same Name (s-note 2840608)
I hope SAP will release soon a serivce pack 1 for Analysis Office 2.8 and fix the problem with the hierarchy, because at the moment Analysis Office 2.8 is not useable.
Update 09.12.19:
As described in the comments, it works on SAP BW 7.5 SP11 and my test was on a SAP BW 7.5 SP16.
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I am Tobias, I write this blog since 2014, you can find me on twitter, facebook and youtube. I work as a Senior Business Warehouse Consultant. In 2016 I wrote the first edition of Analysis Office - The Comprehensive Guide. If you want you can leave me a paypal coffee donation. You can also contact me directly if you want.
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Write a comment
Dominik (Friday, 06 December 2019 15:24)
I just tried to replicate this issue in our reports and to me everything looks fine.
Tobias (Friday, 06 December 2019 16:28)
you can add hierarchies even when you have ShowGroupedDimensions on? What system version do you use?
Dominik (Monday, 09 December 2019 10:09)
yeah no issues with grouped dimensions either, I'm on BW 7.5 SP 11.
Tobias (Monday, 09 December 2019 10:54)
OK, I am on a BW 7.5 SP16
Steffen (Thursday, 12 December 2019 17:57)
Hi Tobias,
just validated the issue with BW7.5 SP16 and Analysis Office 2.8 SP1 and it will be resolved. Planned delivery is end of January.
Feel free to be part of our pre-releases to check out latest features and fixes before official release date.
Regards, Steffen
Tobias (Friday, 13 December 2019 09:14)
Hi Steffen,
thanks for reading here and validating. I send you a message.
Karan Sehjpal (Monday, 06 January 2020 06:49)
May i know how group dimension will be helpful and a detail video on it please if possible.
I am on bw version 7.4
Tobias (Wednesday, 08 January 2020 15:17)
Hi Karan,
I can make a video, but I only have a BW 7.5 with HANA but the procedure is the same. I look that I can make it next week when I am be back.
Karan (Friday, 07 February 2020 06:46)
HI @Tobias just a kind reminder.