
Create own Excel formula

In Excel you can quickly create very complex formulas. If you want to simplify your formula, you can also write your own function in VBA. Here is an example for calculating the percentage variance from the previous year.


Option Explicit

Public Function prozent(source As Double, target As Double)
  prozent = Application.WorksheetFunction.IfError(IIf(target < 0,(source - target) / -target, (source - target) / target), 0)
End Function


As you can see, a very simple formula. For this purpose the sample as an Excel formula.


=IFERROR(IF(targetCell < 0,(sourceCell - targetCell) / - targetCell,(sourceCell - targetCell / targetCell), 0)


= (ACT) 215 - (PY) 204 / (PY) 204 = 0,055 = 5,5 %


As you can see the own formula is more readable and can be easily combined with another formula.


I am Tobias, I write this blog since 2014, you can find me on twitter and youtube. If you want you can leave me a paypal coffee donation. You can also contact me directly if you want.

SAP Analysis for Office - The Comprehensive Guide
The book SAP Analysis for Office - The Comprehensive Guide by Tobias Meyer is a pdf book about SAP Analysis for Office. It is based on Analysis for Office 2.8 and contains 346 Pages.
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SAP Analysis for Office - The Comprehensive Guide
SAP Analysis for Office - The Comprehensive Guide is a pdf book about SAP BusinessObjects Analysis for Office. It is based on Analysis for Office 2.7 and contains 299 Pages.
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SAP Analysis for Office - The Comprehensive Guide
SAP Analysis for Office - The Comprehensive Guide is a pdf book about SAP BusinessObjects Analysis for Office. It is based on Analysis for Office 2.6 and contains 272 Pages.
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