So it is done, Part 2 finally is written and an example is uploaded to github. It took me about 8 months to release Part 2 of these series. Part 1 was released in March 2016 and now I had time to write an example for Part 2 and upload it to github. Part 1 discover the basics about a RFC Server with the SAP NCo Connector, part 2 now explain how to build a RFC Server more flexible.
First you have to create a new Microsoft Visual Studio project. In my case it was a Windows Form Application. I add some labels and textboxes so it look like this:

I also add some fields in the application settings:

After the fields are done, we can add our code for the save button.
With My.Settings
.RfcProgramId = txtProgramID.Text .
.RfcGatewayHost = txtGatewayHost.Text
.RfcGatewayService = txtGatewayService.Text
.RfcIdleTimeout = txtIdleTimeout.Text
.RfcMessageServer = txtMessageServerHost.Text
.RfcMessageServerService = txtMessageServerService.Text
.RfcMessageServerSystemID = txtMessageServerSystemId.Text
.RfcLanguage = txtLanguage.Text
.RfcPassword = txtPassword.Text
.RfcUser = txtUser.Text
.RfcRegistrationCount = txtRegistrationCount.Text
End With
So now we are able to save our settings directly into the application settings. To switch between normal mode (able to save the settings) and a console mode I add a new module which checks if there are any arguments. In this case I check if the argument -R (remote) is available.
Public Sub Main()
Dim args() As String = Environment.GetCommandLineArgs()
If args.Length > 0 And String.Equals(args(1).ToUpper, "-R") Then
Dim remoteServer As RfcServer
Dim parameters As New RfcConfigParameters()
parameters(RfcConfigParameters.Name) = "NCO_SERVER"
Dim repository As String
With My.Settings
If String.IsNullOrEmpty(.RfcProgramId) OrElse String.IsNullOrEmpty(.RfcGatewayHost) OrElse String.IsNullOrEmpty(.RfcGatewayService) OrElse String.IsNullOrEmpty(.RfcIdleTimeout) OrElse String.IsNullOrEmpty(.RfcLanguage) OrElse String.IsNullOrEmpty(.RfcPassword) OrElse String.IsNullOrEmpty(.RfcUser) OrElse String.IsNullOrEmpty(.RfcRegistrationCount) Then
MessageBox.Show("Please fill all necessary fields!", "Missing fields", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information)
Exit Sub
End If
parameters(RfcConfigParameters.ProgramID) = .RfcProgramId
parameters(RfcConfigParameters.GatewayHost) = .RfcGatewayHost
parameters(RfcConfigParameters.GatewayService) = .RfcGatewayService
parameters(RfcConfigParameters.ConnectionIdleTimeout) = .RfcIdleTimeout
parameters(RfcConfigParameters.MessageServerHost) = .RfcMessageServer
parameters(RfcConfigParameters.MessageServerService) = .RfcMessageServerService()
parameters(RfcConfigParameters.SystemID) = .RfcMessageServerSystemID
parameters(RfcConfigParameters.User) = .RfcUser
parameters(RfcConfigParameters.Password) = .RfcPassword
parameters(RfcConfigParameters.Language) = .RfcLanguage
parameters(RfcConfigParameters.RegistrationCount) = .RfcRegistrationCount
End With
remoteServer = RfcServerManager.GetServer(parameters, New Type() {GetType(ServerFunction)})
repository = CStr(My.Resources.ResourceManager.GetObject("repo"))
Dim fileFunc As New StringReader(repository)
Dim rfcRepository As New RfcCustomRepository
remoteServer.Repository = rfcRepository
Dim server As New NCoServer
End If
End Sub
You can check if the argument works when you add in the project properties under debug -R

So if you run now Visual Studio in debug mode, the command line argument is executed. And code after this if will be executed.
If args.Length > 0 And String.Equals(args(1).ToUpper, "-R") Then
So as you can see the RFC Server is build from the previous defined settings and it is more flexible than Part 1. And after we started the function module as in Part 1 described, our RFC Server now response.

So that's it. I hope you like the quick example and if there are any questions feel free to ask.
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I am Tobias, I write this blog since 2014, you can find me on twitter and youtube. If you want you can leave me a paypal coffee donation. You can also contact me directly if you want.

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