
Install your own SAP BW on a virtual machine

I described in a earlier post how to use BW/4HANA on Amazon AWS. But if you just need a developing system for some time and don't want to use BW/4HANA, you can use the BW 7.5 SP2 developer edition on a virtual machine.

There are a good post on the SCN. First you have to download Oracle VirtualBox. After that you have to download openSUSE. If you are a Linux Newbie you can read the following post how to install openSUSE on VirtualBox. The BW 7.5 SP2 developer edition can be found here.


After you have downloaded everything and your openSUSE is running you should read this post to get the installation of the BW done. I needed a BW 7.5 for the new edition of my book, so it was a nice variety for me. 


I am Tobias, I write this blog since 2014, you can find me on twitter and youtube. If you want you can leave me a paypal coffee donation. You can also contact me directly if you want.

SAP Analysis for Office - The Comprehensive Guide
The book SAP Analysis for Office - The Comprehensive Guide by Tobias Meyer is a pdf book about SAP Analysis for Office. It is based on Analysis for Office 2.8 and contains 346 Pages.
45,00 €
SAP Analysis for Office - The Comprehensive Guide
SAP Analysis for Office - The Comprehensive Guide is a pdf book about SAP BusinessObjects Analysis for Office. It is based on Analysis for Office 2.7 and contains 299 Pages.
37,00 €
SAP Analysis for Office - The Comprehensive Guide
SAP Analysis for Office - The Comprehensive Guide is a pdf book about SAP BusinessObjects Analysis for Office. It is based on Analysis for Office 2.6 and contains 272 Pages.
27,00 €

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Comments: 2
  • #1

    Alexandru (Tuesday, 27 June 2017 19:04)


    I'm reading your site to get fresh news on Analysis Office and I have discovered this interesting subject and I will like to try an installation of a fresh BW 7.5 but I have a question concerning the trail version, do you know for how long the installation will work? I was not able to find any informations on that.


  • #2

    Tobias (Tuesday, 27 June 2017 20:53)

    Hi Alex,

    the article in the SCN which covers the installation of the system shows you how you can get the license. And you can renew it as often as you want. You get a txt-file which has the trail time in it. Adjust it and it works fine.

    Best regards,
